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The Fight Over Ballots Has Already Begun in Wisconsin

Julie Bosman

The New York Times

October 19, 2024

Viewpoint Detected:


Fallacies Detected:

False Cause, Anecdotal Fallacy, Appeal to Emotion, Personal Incredulity

credAIble Evaluation:

The article discusses fears about the security of ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin, reflecting ongoing political tension. While several concerns are presented, some reasoning relies on speculative connections between drop boxes and alleged fraud without direct evidence. Anecdotes are used to imply widespread issues, and emotional appeals stoke distrust, despite facts suggesting drop boxes are secure. The narrative reflects general skepticism, but the logic connecting drop boxes to election tampering is unsupported by solid evidence. Furthermore, the disbelief in election outcomes and drop box security reflects a personal incredulity rather than factual argumentation.

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